Deep Run Hunt Pony Club is made up of the District Commissioners, Board Members, all Pony Clubbers, parents of Pony Clubbers, Sponsors, and volunteers. We are a volunteer organization. There is no paid staff.
DRHPC membership is open to any person who is at least eight (8) years old by January 1 of the membership year, or has not turned twenty-four (24) prior to January 1 of the membership year.
The Board shall consist of the District Commissioner (DC), the Joint District Commissioners (Joint DC), the Treasurer, the Secretary, two junior board members, and additional board members elected to three year terms for a total of at least 12 members. All must be sponsors of the club.
The DC will appoint a Nominating Committee with the approval of the Sponsors not less than six (6) weeks before the Annual Meeting. This committee will prepare and recommend a slate of officers to be presented at the Annual Meeting. Sponsors will nominate the DC and Joint DC(s) at the Annual Meeting for election by the USPC Board of Governors. Sponsors will elect directly the Treasurer, Secretary, and new Board members at their Annual Meeting./ The DC and Joint DC(s) must be Corporate Members (formerly called Sustaining Members) of the USPC. The Treasurer, Secretary, and other board members are encouraged to be sustaining members. All officers and board members must be sponsors in good standing with dues paid for the year(s) of their term.
One junior member will be the current "Pony Clubber of the Year." The other will be the past year's "Pony Clubber of the Year." If either is unable to serve, the Pony Club members will elect one of their number to serve for one (1) year.
The DC and Joint DC(s) will serve concurrent one (1) year terms, commencing on January 1. The Treasurer and Secretary will serve concurrent one (1) year terms commencing on January 1. The Board Members will serve alternating three (3) year terms.
The work of the club will be delegated by the Board to various chairpersons as needed. These often will include, but are not limited to: Rallies, Ratings, Horse Trials, Instruction, Camp, Newsletter, Equipment, Hospitality, Public Relations, Liaison with the Hunt Club, Fund Raising, and Concessions.